NQ USA Prospectus
Enrollment procedure:
The following procedure shall be followed for a prospective member;
- Obtain a membership application form from the welfare/mobilization committee for a non-refundable sum of twenty-five dollars ($25).
- Return the completed application form to the committee for review.
- If the committee is satisfied, it may recommend the person to the house via the Executive Committee (EC).
- If the house is satisfied, the prospective member shall be invited for an ‘Observation’ during which he may interact with existing members at the post-meeting networking session. This process is voluntary and is instituted to assist the prospect make an informed decision.
- The prospective member will after the observation (if both parties are satisfied) attend a screening interview with the membership committee.
- The screening committee shall report their finding to the house for adoption.
- The prospective member shall be informed of the outcome in writing. The package shall include the Membership Form and a copy of the constitution for a successful prospect.
- The prospect shall complete and return the form with a membership fee of $100.
- A swearing date shall be communicated to the prospect.
Swearing in ceremony
This shall involve the affirmation of the oath of allegiance of the club (Appendix 1), signing of the constitution register and obtaining the club ID & paraphernalia.
The new member shall also be assigned a membership number.
Membership Registration Number
This shall be in the format “NQ/Year/serial number” – The first member has been assigned the number NQ/2007/001.
Application fees, Membership Fees, Meeting Dues, Fines and Voluntary Donations.
- Application fee is a sunk fee and strictly non-refundable.
- Membership Fees may be refundable if the prospective member or the house changes its position before the prospect is sworn in. The house may review its position if a significant breach of article 4.5 is subsequently discovered. If the house changes its position, the prospect shall get a full refund. If however, it is the prospect that changes his mind, then a refund shall be made less 20% ($20) processing fees.
- Meeting dues are sunk and shall never be refunded.
- Fines are non-refundable.
- Voluntary donations are made voluntarily and with no initial intent of refund, therefore they are non-refundable.
Intake criteria
- Only adult persons of Nigeria heritage may join the club.
- He must be law abiding.
- An intending member must be willing to take and abide with the oath of allegiance of the club.
Intake Procedure:
- The welfare/mobilization committee shall be the initial contact for an aspiring member. The committee shall sell an Application Form to the prospect for a non-refundable amount (currently $20.00). The prospect shall complete the application form and return same to the mobilization committee. The committee shall review the application to ensure all required information is included. If satisfy, the mobilization committee shall forward the application to the chairperson of the Screening committee.
- The screening committee upon the receipt of the application form shall contact the prospect to arrange a mutually earliest convenient date to have a screening interview for the prospect. Questions including but not limited to those in the Standard Screening procedure (Appendix 3) shall be asked. Subtle background check may also be done. The screening committee shall report their findings and recommendation to the house, at the meeting subsequent to the screening.
- At the meeting and upon the receipt of the recommendation of the Screening committee, the President shall allow short debate/comments from the floor. The president shall then call for a vote.
Minimum requirement to be accepted:
- A prospect shall ordinarily be admitted if the screening committee recommends him so and two-third (or nearest higher number, where two-third is not practical) of the house (valid proxy inclusive) also recommends him.
- Where the screening committees recommends a prospect for admission, but two-third (as practicable) votes against the recommendation. The president may call for a further debate to ensure fairness is dealt. A second vote may be called the same or next meeting. Where expedient, the screening committee may be asked to make further representation to support their recommendation.
- Where the screening committee asks the house to deny the application; if the two-third (as practical) of the house vote for rejection, the application stands rejected. If however, less than two-third (as practical) votes for the rejection, then a further debate and a second voting shall be called. If still unresolved, an ad-hoc re-screening committee shall be constituted to re-screen the candidate. The Ad-hoc committee shall comprise all heads of the standing committees. The report of the ad-hoc committee shall be treated in like manner of the screening committee.
- Where the committee is stalemated or unable to arrive at a decision; the ad-hoc committee shall step in.
Click here to download the Application Form